Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Building the World Trade Center (1983) - Documentary

Building the World Trade Center
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
18 minutes

1 comment:

I.M. Weasel said...

You know, I'm a guy who loves food. And I'm a very cynical, desensitized person. Watching the goriest of horror films, or even stuff like Red Asphalt rarely has an effect on me. I might even break out in laughter. Yeah, I'm one fucked up dude sometimes.

But seeing the towers come down on TV, 3000 Miles away, a good hour after it happened, was the only time I'd ever seen something that made me genuinely sick to my stomach.

I really didn't know what to make of the world on that day.

And in many ways, I still don't. I really thought to myself--this is the beginning of World War III.

I weep for those that perished in that tragedy, but at the same time, I'm glad that many more folks like you made it out alright.

See you around PE, dude.